Strategic Trust:
The Making of Nuclear Free Palau

From 1982 to 1996 award-winning filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle documented on film and video unfolding events in the fledgling island nation of Palau. When Palau's voters made it the first nation in history to adopt a nuclear free, green constitution, Washington's war planners saw it as 'the threat of a good example.' Palau became the poster child for the growing Nuclear Free Pacific movement and a cause celebre for the global nuclear free zone movement.  
The 10-year-long manipulation of the electoral process the U.S. then unleashed to force the rollback of Palau's nuclear ban became a text book case for subversion of the democratic process in developing countries...and at home.

Their experiences covering this story made the filmmakers life-long advocates of election integrity.
This film was produced on a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 1986.


Islands on the Edge of Time

From 1982 to 1996 award-winning filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle documented on film and video unfolding events in the fledgling island nation of Palau.

When Palau's voters made it the first nation in history to adopt a nuclear free, green constitution, Washington's war planners saw it as 'the threat of a good example.'

Palau became the poster child for the growing Nuclear Free Pacific movement and a cause celebre for the global nuclear free zone movement.

The 10-year-long manipulation of the electoral process the U.S. then unleashed to force the rollback of Palau's nuclear ban became a text book case for subversion of the democratic process in developing countries...and at home.

Their experiences covering this story made the filmmakers life-long advocates of election integrity.

This film was produced on a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 1996.


Free Zone:
Democracy Meets the Nuclear Threat

58 min. An overview of the international and national Nuclear Free Zone movement. Broadcast on PBS, cable stations, and internationally, including Kazakhstan and Russia. Produced by David L. Brown, Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle.


Nuclear Showdown on the Rio Grande

36 min. Depicts the fight to save beautiful Hudspeth County, Texas from becoming a radioactive waste dump -16 miles upgrade of the Rio Grande in the area of Texas with the highest seismic activity. Brave local people resist what would be a disaster for millions in a clear-cut case of environmental racism. Thousands of potentially affected Mexican citizens are led by concerned Mexican officials of bordering cities in protest against the dump. Featured at the Dallas International Video Festival. Being broadcast by Free Speech TV. Produced by James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan.


Public Exposure:
DNA, Democracy and the “Wireless Revolution”

58 min. The first video to explore the health effects of radio-frequency radiation from wireless devices such as cell phones and from the antennas which service them. Featured are scientists who braved heavy handed telecom industry tactics to show causal evidence of harm to biological life from the use of cell phones and our growing danger from chronic exposures to low levels of this ubiquitous human-made toxin. Looks at the efforts of Sen. Tom Hayden to enact protective legislation at the California state level. Shows citizen groups from California and Colorado fighting for the right to not be irradiated.


A Little Light’ll Do Ya:

Defending Democracy in America

Blacked out or dismissed as 'conspiracy theories' by corporate news outlets, reports of massive vote fraud in the 2004 presidential election circulated on the internet and independent media.

As the Jan. 6th, 2005 deadline for a challenge to the Electoral College vote drew near, a tiny village on the California coast raised funds to send a delegation of its citizens and an award-winning documentary team to Ohio and Washington, D.C. to get the facts.

They found overwhelming evidence of a stolen election…and a small, diverse group of committed people – from the street and the elite - defending democracy against overwhelming odds.

This is their report. (Broadcast nationally and in Pakistan)


1984 - 2018


After Fukushima in 2011, EON began work on our documentary Shutdown: The San Onofre Story.  Please see our popular YouTube channel for many interviews with national and international scientists, experts and prominent activists working for nuclear safety, on wireless radiation health effects and for election integrity plus more.

Mary Beth Brangan - Writer-Producer-Videographer

James Heddle - Writer-Director- Videographer-Editor


STRATEGIC TRUST: The Making of Nuclear Free Palau


58 min. - Award-winning, nationally and internationally broadcast PBS documentary film on the first country in history to popularly enact a sweeping nuclear-free “Green” National Constitution and the opposition it encountered from the U.S. State, Defense and Interior Departments. Screened in Congress, the United Nations and narrated by Joanne Woodward.




(25 min.) Video report on Palau for the U.S. Congress and the United Nations Trusteeship Council.


DOING IT RIGHT: Democracy in the Pacific


58 min. video documentary on the travesty of U.S. democratic ideals as seen in U.S. dealings with Palau.





58 min. An overview of the international and national Nuclear Free Zone movement. Broadcast on PBS, cablestations and internationally, including Kazachstan and Russia.



CHOICEPOINT: California’s Water & Radioactive Waste


22 min. - Shows the statewide coalition fighting to prevent radioactive contamination of Ward Valley and the source of water for the U.S. Southwest region and No. Mexico. As with Strategic Trust, used in the White House, Congress and in the California State Legislature.





58 min. A Pacific paradise vs. industrial pollution. An ancient, matrilineal culture vs. transnational “developers.” History’s first “Green”anti-nuclear national Constitution vs. Pentagon global nuclear policy. Sustainable development vs. corporate globalization. The story of Palau - and of the planetary survival challenges facing us all. Featured in many prestigious film festivals and touring in the Margaret Mead National Film Tour.



PELIGRO! Nuclear Showdown on the Rio Grande


36 min. Depicts the fight to save beautiful Hudspeth County, Texas from becoming a radioactive waste dump -16 miles upgrade of the Rio Grande in the area of Texas with the highest seismic activity. Brave local people resist what would be a disaster for millions in a clear-cut case of environmental racism. Thousands of potentially affected Mexican citizens are led by concerned Mexican officials of bordering cities in protest against the dump. Featured at the Dallas International Video Festival. Being broadcast by Free Speech TV.



BORDERING ON TYRANNY: Thailand’s Dilemma


28 min. Approximately 120,000 refugees have fled to Thailand to escape genocidal ethnic cleansing atrocities at the hands of the ruling military junta within Burma. They and another 700,000 Burmese “illegal workers” are in grave danger of being forced back to Burma by the Thai authorities. BORDERING covers the economic crash in Southeast Asia, as well as the multi-million dollar business deals which are causing the Thai authorities, formerly considered the most democratic in the region, to now cooperate with the Burmese junta, considered one of the most brutal in the world. This has grave implications for human rights throughout the Southeast Asian region. Broadcast on KTEH-TV, San Jose, California’s PBS, on their video i series. Excerpts were used in a CNN Worldwide News report as well as a report on EuroNews. It has also been featured in conferences internationally and is in use by NGO’s in at least 10 countries.



PUBLIC EXPOSURE: DNA, Democracy and the “Wireless Revolution”


58 min. The first video to explore the health effects of radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices such as cell phones and from the antennaes which service them. Featured are scientists who braved heavy handed telecom industry tactics to show causal evidence of harm to biological life from the use of cell phones and our growing danger from chronic exposures to low levels of this ubiquitous manmade toxin. Looks at the efforts of Sen. Tom Hayden to enact protective legislation at the California state level. Shows citizen groups from California and Colorado fighting for the right to not be irradiated.



A Little Light’ll Do Ya - Defending Democracy in America

Broadcast nationally and in Pakistan


Blacked out or dismissed as 'conspiracy theories' by corporate news outlets, reports of massive vote fraud in the 2004 presidential election circulated on the internet and independent media.

As the Jan. 6th, 2005 deadline for a challenge to the Electoral College vote drew near, a tiny village on the California coast raised funds to send a delegation of its citizens and an award-winning documentary team to Ohio and Washington, D.C. to get the facts.

They found overwhelming evidence of a stolen election…and a small, diverse group of committed people – from the street and the elite - defending democracy against overwhelming odds.

This is their report.


Got Democracy?

A Report On The Electoral Crisis In The United States

From the First National Teach-In Oakland, California February, 2005


Presented by The Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, The MMOB, EON, the Ecological Options Network.

Electoral Reform is a non-partisan issue!

Why does it matter if the last three U.S. Federal elections were stolen? Because, if they were, we have a democracy in crisis.

Despite resounding corporate media silence, massive evidence exists that the elections were indeed stolen.

Ohio was the key state in 2004. The Conyers Congressional Report “Preserving Democracy” cites “massive and unprecedented voter irregularities and anomalies” throughout Ohio.

Attempted recounts met with serious blocking and tampering.

Thousands of similar violations occurred in states across the country, dis-enfranchising primarily Black, Native American and Latino voters.

Without electoral integrity the American ship of state is without a legitimate captain and crew.

Without clean elections, no clean energy policy, no just domestic or foreign policy are possible.

Got Democracy? - A look at the evidence for widespread vote fraud and what we can do about it.


CHEATED: the comic

Wake up and save your country...





A citizen call for election integrity


Co-produced with Mainstreet Moms MMOB.org

An empowering, fast-moving 18-minute briefing on the dangers to democracy posed by privately owned electronic voting machines, what patriotic citizens, activists and officials of all parties are doing about it - and how you can help.


GETTING OVER IT - The Citizen Push for Election Integrity

Broadcast on Link TV


Ed Asner hosts an Emergency Town Hall Forum on America's vote fraud crisis and what we can do about it. San Diego, CA Oct. 25, 2006 With voting investigator Bev Harris, election integrity attorneys Lowell Finley and Paul Lehto, Utah whistleblower Bruce Funk, sportscaster/blogger Jim Lampley and local activists.



Going Local – The Movement for Community Choice Energy

Local Solutions to Planetary Challenges


A fast-moving 18-minute DVD briefing on Community Choice Energy, showing how local communities are using their collective purchasing power to dramatically accelerate the shift to renewable energy and efficiency. This film shows that local power leads the way in meeting the twin challenges of peak oil and climate crisis.



The Price of Liberty

America’s Election Protection Movement 2008


58-minute DVD documentary produced in cooperation with the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism & FreePress.org.

This fast-moving 58-minute documentary by award-wining filmmakers James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan explores the issues and strategies embodied in America’s growing grassroots, people-powered ‘Election Protection’ movement.

Scientists, journalists, activists, attorneys and whistleblowers reveal how, why and by whom the last two presidential elections were stolen, even as they fight to keep it from happening again.

Throughout 2008 and 2009 EON produced an extensive series of on-line video reports California’s Stop the Spray Movement.



PUBLIC POWER: From 'Energy Crisis' to Solar Democracy


What you are about to see is an historical snapshot of a movement in the process of birthing itself. It was produced in the days before YouTube was a household word, and Final Cut Pro had evolved as the cutting engine of choice.

This version was released in a 'limited edition' to potential funders. Ironically, it looked 'too good' to be a draft and get completion funding, but wasn't high enough resolution for broadcast. Lacking completion funding, we went on to other things.

Thanks to Barbara George and WomensEnergyMatters.org, we recently unearthed a VHS version and captured it for posting, because, despite its rough quality, it is a heartening, energetic and historic portrait of a growing grassroots movement at a vital stage of its evolution. Another empowering example of deep democracy in action.

And that action continues. The movement for green energy and public power goes on in the current drive by California cities and counties for Community Choice Energy.

A unique snapshot of one phase of its gestation...a grassroots upsurge in the eye of the Enron-engineered 'California energy crisis' storm in 2000 and 2001.



SEATTLE to COPENHAGEN: Building a Movement of Movements

Produced in cooperation with the International Forum on Globalization


In the lead-up to the Copenhagen Climate Summit 10 activists and authors trace the history of the climate justice movement from the reactive 'no!' of the Battle of Seattle to the proactive, solution oriented 'yes' of the Copenhagen convergence.


Jerry Mander, Victor Menottii, and Claire Greensfelder, IFG

Anuradha Mittal, Oakland Institute

Paul Hawken, David Solnit and Rebecca Solnit, local author-activists

Jia Ching Chen, Youth-of-Color Organizer

Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange

Tim Robertson, California Fair Trade Coalition

EON produced an extensive series of on-line video reports on the COP15 Climate Conference in Copenhagen